2 things to bear in mind when buying boots
Some of our customers have shared with us about their new purchase of leather boots, getting ready for the chillier autumn and winter in the next few months. They wanted to know how their new boots should be cared for before they are actually being used. Now that's a really good question and so, we thought we can share the tips with our wider group of leather-loving community here.
First, determine the leather type of your boots
It is important to understand the type of leather used for your boots. This can include cowhide, suede, crocodile, snake or even ostrich leather. Some leather care solutions are formulated for thicker leather vs thin, and some with specific exotic smoother leather in mind. So determining the leather type before rushing out to buy a leather care solution is essential.
Second, understanding your own care objectives
Knowing what you have in mind for your leather boots will help determine what you could or should do to care for it. If you are going to use your boots regularly in a certain environment or circumstance, that can have an impact on the frequency and the type of leather care you can render to your boots.
For example, if you are often in a rainy environment you may need a really good leather protectant to help shield your boots. On the other hand, if you are usually sitting down at your desk comfortably. You may want to keep the leather just nicely conditioned. Or, if you tend to be in an environment where there are more chances for scratches and spills, for example, restaurants, keep a bottle of leather cleaner handy in your bag.
Do your homework
So once you have those two things in mind, it will then be safe for you to pick up the right leather care products to use on your beautiful leather boots. Do your home work, check out the details on our website and read up more on the products that you reckon you want. And if you have questions, simply throw it to info@littlelusso.com.au.
Have fun!